Saturday, 27 August 2011

Private Health Insurance !!!

Health insurance offered by different companies can vary slightly on certain levels, but first it is important to decide which type suits your needs.
If we are to a private health insurance of the first questions, which we are confronted purchase decision: "Who needs health insurance," "the amount of insurance will be sufficient" and "how much they can be issued." Instead of answering these questions and then find a secure, you can even use the opposite direction. Know what is available, see what they offer and then decide. There are several options available to choose him.
The choice between the politics of health insurance for the family or a health care plan for everyone.
Family Health Insurance FloatA swimmer in the family, decide on a sum insured for the whole family. This amount is insured for any part of the policy of floating. By members of some or all can be insured for the sum insured. Insurance premium depends on the number of family members. A swimmer in the family car can be taken from him and his wife, the spouse and children, myself and the children and spouses and children. Most companies do not allow parents to be involved.
Advantage• reduction of the premium in case of individual plans for each• The availability of an adequate sum insured• Ideal for families with low-risk youth• All members covered under a policy• a single policy is easier to handle
Disadvantages• reduction of the coverage available to other members in the event of a claim• Can not sufficient insurance cover in case of multiple applications in one year• Children can be covered in a floating policy is only to a certain age, usually 18-25 according to the company• Anyone who has reached the renewal, ruled until the maximum age of the fleet of the family and can separate policies must be purchased.
Individual Health Insurance
Insuranceis the health of individuals, as the name implies, is given by a single person. It can be purchased separately for each family member. The sum in this case is insured for the insured. Premium depends on the age of the individual and the sum insured. Any policy must be treated as a separate policy.
Advantage• Can be taken for each family member, including parents• Ideal for families with a high risk to health or age group above, where the individual must be a considerable range• The policy is not a member of the maximum age of renewable energies to achieve
Disadvantages• It's a bit more expensive than a policy of floating the family.• Each policy must be maintained separately ..• Coverage may be less than offered by a float in case of a single claim in a year
Besides these two basic types, which are special health insurance. These can serve as a pilot for a major health policy, or can be taken as individual measures. Be taken to a limited risk, rather than to cover the general health.
1st Illness PolicyTo change a policy of serious illness or jumpers to certain diseases such as heart attack, stroke, certain cancers, organ transplants and diseases like another life. Coverage for the diseases listed in the policy document only.
Characteristic• Can be used as stand-alone policy or rider to be made• It applies only to the specific diseases listed in the policy• Diagnosis of the disease, the insured can claim• The amount of the claim is given to the insured a lump sum• The insurance company can not meet demand if the insured dies within 30 days of diagnosis• The waiting period for coverage to take effect for 90 days
2nd Personal AccidentPersonal accident insurance covers the risk of accidents, whether at home or away. It is a tool to keep your family and yourself from financial worries, such as lost earnings and medical expenses to protect in an accident. It also covers loss of income in case of temporary or permanent disability. Compensation may also hit a plane crash, train accident, murder, and run, etc. It takes as a separate policy.
CharacteristicCan be taken as a policy, but the accidental death and dismemberment can be an insurance broker and life.
• The personnel policy includes accidental death and dismemberment, partial or total disability• It compensates for the temporary or permanent loss of income due to accident
3rd Hospital cashHospital policy provides a lump sum of cash flow per day hospital stay for a fixed maximum number of days. Although it as an independent policy can be taken, it works best as a supplement to regular health policy or a serious illness.
Characteristic• The policy provides a fixed amount per day of hospitalization• The maximum number of days to repay the money is set

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